
Career Navigation Coaching

Do you often experience the Sunday Scaries?

Do you envy people who seem to love what they do?

Are you unclear on your career north star and how to get there?

Does the job search (or even the thought of it!) feel depleting and defeating?


Design your dream career

According to a 2018 Gallup survey, 66% of employees around the world are either not engaged or actively disengaged in a job.  Maybe you’re one of those people. 

I believe everyone should experience the joy, impact, and fulfillment that comes from loving what you do. 

In 1:1 Career Navigation Coaching, I support you to design your dream career, deeply rooted in your strengths and what matters to you.  We work together to release the pressure of “shoulds” in your life and tackle limiting beliefs that prevent you from creating your dream professional life.  We map out plans to shift your current role to be more aligned with that ideal and/or map out external moves that will bring you closer to your ideal.  I help you reflect and brainstorm to illuminate paths forward that were previously unseen.

Through coaching, you will develop your unique value proposition — the version of your story that reflects your best, true self; the narrative that will make you feel like a million bucks going into an interview.   

Whether you are in transition, contemplating a transition, or simply seeking more engagement and fulfillment in your job, Career Navigation Coaching can help.