“She helps you unlock the power of yourself and how much more impact you can have.”
— Global Marketing Leader, LinkedIn
“It has only been a few months, so it is truly amazing to think about the change that has already happened. In my intake form, I was a woman on the brink of leaving her career, ultimately because she lacked the confidence to lead her team forward. In working with Marissa, I have been able to identify some of the misperceptions that I have, change the language that I use with myself, and most importantly, create my own definition of inspirational leadership and the behaviors needed in support of this.”
— Insights Associate Vice President, Fortune 100 Company
“The most valuable takeaway from my coaching experience with Marissa was creating a vision for my business that feels amazing and knowing that I never have to make compromises.”
— Independent Design Consultant and Author
“Since working with Marissa, I’ve thrived at work. I have felt much more confident in my work and communication with others. Marissa helped me see my inner-critic. I always knew that I had one, but I don’t think I realized how much it ruled my life and impacted my happiness before having worked with Marissa. While I’m still learning and practicing, I have been able to tame my inner-critic, which has led to higher productivity and efficiency. Most importantly, I am happier in my work and life.”
—Marketing Manager at General Assembly
“Marissa’s session was very thought-provoking and insightful. It opened my mind to certain aspects of professional networking which I hadn't really considered before.”
— Cornell Women’s Advocacy Nework Member, Attendee at Building a Flourishing Professional Network Workshop
“I came to coaching lost in terms of career, unsure of where to go next. Marissa helped me figure that out, but in a totally unexpected way that was so much more emotional and core to who I am as a person and professional. It impacted how I approach work and how I view myself and to a degree how I approach life. Super powerful stuff. As a result of working with Marissa, I'm much more confident. I realize the value I bring and own it, less afraid of being wrong or perfect. I accept my missteps and move on. I realize that there's so much power in bringing your authentic self not just in the personal space but professionally. It's hard to put into words but the impact she has is so much more than what you expect or hope for going in. It's more than just helping you achieve your goals. She helps you unlock the power of yourself and how much more impact you can have. She helps you get out of your own way to achieve your full potential.”
— Global Marketing Leader, LinkedIn
“Marissa has a unique gift as a facilitator and effective listener. Her Mindset Mastery Workshop was one of the most useful sessions I’ve attended. Marissa offered practical and tangible suggestions on ways we can reframe our thinking to turn around negative thoughts. I loved the exercise we did individually and reviewed as a group, which helped to have a concrete example that was relatable and Marissa skillfully tied it back to her teaching. I walked away with more confidence that I can apply these concepts in many areas of my life.”
— Strategy and Operations Executive, Attendee at Mindset Mastery Workshop
“Having an existing relationship with Marissa, my expectations for having her as my coach were already high. However, my expectations were exceeded and then some. For both my personal and professional life, Marissa pushed me to think about things from a different lens, helped me work through weaknesses, and also helped me identify strengths, all the while remaining the great leader and overall person that she is.”
— Research and Insights Manager, National Football League
“Marissa helped me engage with ideas that I was not really willing to otherwise, and was understanding and creative in thinking through potential solutions to issues and obstacles that arose over the course of our work together. As a result of working with Marissa, I am kinder to myself about my writing, and I am more confident in my capacities than I was before. Marissa empowers her clients without it feeling saccharine or fake; she is incredibly authentic and pushes clients to recognize their own worth and capabilities from an organic and honest place.”
— Professor, Author and PhD