Reclaim the Reins:

Shedding the Baggage from a Toxic Work Experience to Thrive

Have you had a toxic work experience that shifted the way you think about work, your career, and yourself?

Does your mind play haunting memories from prior work experience on a loop in your mind?

Did a toxic work environment leave you feeling less confident, more irritable, and less fulfilled?

Have you moved on to a new role or company, but feel like the toxic work experience is still lingering within you, like an invisible ball and chain? 


Shift Your Trajectory

It’s time to release your grip on the past, reclaim your narrative, and author your future.

Through this intensive coaching experience, you will be given the space, support and tools to reflect on your past with compassion, to examine this impact your experience is having, to revise the stories you’ve created about yourself by virtue of this experience, and to design and commit to new thoughts, beliefs and behaviors to release the past and thrive in the present.  

With the support of your coach, you will shift your trajectory from a default future to a designed future.


Participant Takeaways:

  • Create a compelling vision for your future

  • Understand and release barriers formed through your experience in a toxic workplace, that are keeping you from that vision

  • Shift the stories about yourself to positive, powerful and purposeful

  • Make powerful commitments to a designed (vs. default) future

Program Agenda Overview 

  • Pre-work: Journaling Exercises and Tracking

  • Week 1: Kickoff Session (Virtual)

    • Intention Setting

    • Roadmap for Success

  • Week 2: All Day Session (Virtual or In-Person)

    • Mindfulness / Presence Exercise

    • Unearthing Negative Stories

    • Mindset Mastery Teaching and Implementation

    • Exploration: Future by Design

    • Commitments, Reflection and Wrap Up

  • Week 3: Journaling Exercises and Tracking

  • Week 4: Springboard Session (Virtual)

    • Follow up on Commitments: Celebrate Wins and Progress, Coach Through Obstacles

    • Springboard Strategy Creation (How Will I Move Forward)?


Are You Ready to Shed the Baggage

from your Toxic Work Experience,

Once and For All?

I’m ready to help.

Click the link below to book a complimentary consultation.